Run Girl Run Clinic


Our favourite coach Al Cantlay (who was recently inducted into the Kingston Sports Hall of Fame) is offering an amazing clinic just for the ladies at Runners’ Choice Kingston. It is highly recommended…

Hey Ladies – want to get fit and have fun doing it? Looking for the next challenge? Have you been thinking of running your first 5k? Why not join our Run Girl Run clinic!

Our clinic starts September 2nd at 6pm. It is designed for women of all ages, abilities, shapes and sizes who want to get fit and live an active life. The flexible and custom-tailored program is designed to guide you from walking to running in a safe and fun environment. Our coaches will lead you through activities, drills and stretches that will enable you to run farther, faster and pain-free.  The last two weeks of this eight week clinic we will join the Tuesday night workout with Runners’ Choice for drills and hills.

The cost of the program is only $69.99 plus HST. All participant receive a technical Run Girl Run t-shirt (a $34.99 value).

Reserve your spot by emailing us at or call us at 613-542-2410 or drop in at Runners’ Choice, 56 Brock St.




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