Align Orthotic & Rehab: The Kingston Running Community

I’ve been checking out pictures on Facebook posted by our friends at and it reminds me what a great running community there is here in Kingston.  This past weekend there was a Kingston Road Runners Association Twosome race leaving from Winston Churchill Public School that was just fantastic.  There were superstar Queen’s (and national team) runners there like Julie-Anne Staehli right down to young kids (and even younger ones being pushed in strollers).  If you are a runner – and that means anything from strapping on your sneakers once a week when the kids are napping, up to full marathoner – we encourage you to take part in some of these races.  The running community here in Kingston is amazingly friendly, and you are sure to make some new friends through KRRA, and maybe even meet members of some local businesses like Runner’s Choice and Kurtis Marlow RMT.  We had Meg, Stacy and Cole representing Align in the race, and saw lots of familiar faces from our running assessment clients or those wearing our fancy compression socks – we’re looking at you Robby Breadner!

Above is a pic of Cole and some pals before the race.

— Written by Mac Graydon owner of Align Orthotics & Rehab who is: “committed to providing custom and individualized treatment solutions for each client to help alleviate foot and lower limb pain and sports injuries.”

Learn more about the services provided at Align Orthotics & Rehab. Visit their website:


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