Peterborough Half, Half-a-half and 5K: talk about amazing weather. Who knew February could be so beautiful. And considering the Runners’ Choice subsidized bus left Kingston in freezing rain conditions, the break for this race couldn’t have been more welcomed.
This year the Peterborough event Race Directors changed up the course. It was a double loop and some extra hills definitely upped the drama on this race. Fort Henry Hill had nothing on the big hill Half Marathon runners had to face, TWICE. Ugh.
“On the second hill, I thought walking would have been faster than my running” – BL.
“It was a kick in the shins that when I crested that big hill, I got a blast of headwind in the face!” – RB.
2018 has been a tough winter for training but the crew who took on this race had to be doing something right. KRRA Member, Tim Gillespie finished Top Three Overall, and there were several Age Category medals brought back to Kingston.
There was a bit of a brush of fame with Canadian Champion Ross Proudfoot winning the Race with time to spare.
Credit to coach Al Cantlay for the training and sponsoring the bus.