2017 Series Top Runners

The KRRA 2017 Race Series has come to a close. Once again, competition was greater over 2016. More members and a greater participation in the series amped the drama with a number of Age Categories decided at the last race.

This year’s Series Winners received New Balance running pants, embroidered with 2017 SERIES WINNER. The Awards Ceremony took place at Kingston Brewing Co., with guest speaker Reid Coolsaet sharing his trade secrets and best stories to a packed house.


Top 5 Men, Overall

  1. Clay Patterson, 559pts
  2. Scott Wilkes (tied with Tim, determined 2nd place with 1 more win over Tim), 527
  3. Tim Gillespie (tied w/ Scott for points), 527
  4. Mike Mackett, 481pts
  5. Robby Breadner, 471

Top 5 Women, Overall

  1. Suzanne Kerr, 567
  2. Heather Ostic, 518
  3. Lyndsay Glazier, 495
  4. Cheryl La Force, 492
  5. Lana Saunders, 461

The following are the Top 3 in each Age Category; by gender.
Top 5 Overall have been removed from Age Categories.

Top 3 Women <19

  1. Sophie Saunder-Lambert
  2. Juno Aiken*
  3. Sierra Trueman*

Top 3 Men <19

  1. Liam Bootsma
  2. Cooper Barrie
  3. Ché Breadner

Top 3 Women 20-29

  1. Casey Kidson
  2. Julie Bates
  3. Alanna Kader

Top 3 Men 20-29

  1. Alexandre Voinot
  2. Jeff Shepherd
  3. Robert Talarico

Top 3 Women 30-39

  1. Kathleen Dorsey
  2. Lesley Rudy
  3. Andrea Rochon

Top 3 Men 30-39

  1. Shane Gale
  2. Ryan Dorsey
  3. Luis Paico-Avilez

Top 3 Women 40-49

  1. Tammy Pigion
  2. Annie Riel
  3. Stacey Berdan

Top 3 Men 40-49

  1. Kevin Beatty
  2. Kevin Webster
  3. George Semple

Top 3 Women 50-59

  1. Nancy Ball
  2. Pam Mundell
  3. Janet Shepherd

Top 3 Men 50-59

  1. Wayne Rice
  2. Richard Prinsen
  3. Rick Royce

Top 3 Women 60-69

  1. Deb Holtom
  2. Shirley Myers
  3. Mary Jane Phillips

Top 3 Men 60-69

  1. Al Cantlay
  2. Ken Hook
  3. Ed Brand

Top Woman 70+

  1. Liz Walker

Top 3 Men 70+

  1. Richard Sunderland
  2. PJ Marshall
  3. Tony Dunbar


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